Brief history of EPPO



A few milestones

1951: Creation of EPPO.
The EPPO Convention was signed on the 18th of April 1951 by 15 member countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany (FRG), Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia). As the Convention was signed by France and the United Kingdom, this led to the adhesion of Algeria, Jersey and Guernsey. EPPO installed its headquarters in Paris, 14 rue du Cardinal Mercier, Paris, 9e. Rooms had kindly been provided by the 'Fédération Nationale des Producteurs de Plants de Pommes de Terre'.


1954: The first meeting for phytosanitary inspectors was organized in München, Germany (International Refresher Course for Phytosanitary Inspectors,1954-10-21/26).


1955: Council approved to call EPPO: the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization to reflect the importance of the Mediterranean countries within EPPO but the acronym remained the same.


1955: EPPO moved to Maison du Danemark, 142 avenue des Champs-Elysées.


1956: an opening towards the East was made, Eastern and Central European countries (Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and USSR) were invited to join EPPO.


1961: Fireblight is discovered in England. The discovery of Erwinia amylovora in pears in the south-east of England was of great concern to European and Mediterranean countries.


1965 (April): EPPO was homeless. In April 1965, EPPO occupied 2 rooms Quai Voltaire (Maison de l'Agronomie) and several members of the staff had to work at home. In July, temporary premises were found at 15 rue Charles V. Possibilities were explored in Athens, Geneva, Lausanne, Vienna. The Executive Committee visited 5 flats in Paris and decided to buy headquarters in Paris (1 rue Le Nôtre) in January 1968.


1965 (June): Council signed the official Headquarters Agreement with the French Government which recognizes a special status of the Organization in France. This Agreement was then ratified by the French Parliament on the 4th of August 1965.


1971: Birth of the EPPO Bulletin as the official journal of the Organization. The journal was first published by the EPPO Secretariat and since 1985 by Blackwell Science, now Wiley.


1973: In September 1973, Council approved the principle of the EPPO A1 and A2 Lists. The first approved lists were published in the EPPO Bulletin in 1975.


1977: The first set of EPPO Guidelines on the Efficacy Evaluation of Plant Protection Products were published.


1978: The first set of EPPO Data Sheets was published in the EPPO Bulletin. The whole series of Data Sheets was then published as a book (Quarantine Pests for Europe) in 1992 and revised in 1997.


1984: EPPO bought its first computer (Victor S1).


1993: PQR, the EPPO database on the geographical distribution and host plants of quarantine pests was released for the first time.


1993: EPPO initiated its activities on Pest Risk Analysis (PRA).


1994: The first meeting of the EPPO Panel on CEPM Affairs (now EPPO Panel on Global Phytosanitary Affairs) took place. 


1996: EPPO hosted the 8th Technical Consultation among Regional Plant Protection Organizations in September in Paris. Others TCs were then hosted by EPPO in various places.


1998: The first EPPO website was launched.


1999: The EPPO Alert List is published for the first time on the EPPO website.


2002: EPPO started to work on invasive alien plants.


2004: EPPO Council issued its ‘Madeira Declaration’ which then triggered many activities related to diagnostics within EPPO.


2010: EPPO headquarters were moved from 1 rue Le Nôtre (16e, Paris) to 21 boulevard Richard Lenoir (11e, Paris).


2013: the first outbreaks of Xylella fastidiosa in Europe were reported.


2014: EPPO Global Database was launched.


2014: EPPO started to host Euphresco.


2015: EPPO started to host the EU Minor Uses Coordination Facility.


2017: A cooperation agreement was signed between EPPO and the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC).



EPPO Convention 1951




Previous EPPO headquarters (1 rue Le Nôtre, Paris 16e)
1968 – 2010




EPPO membership

1951: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany (FRG), Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia, as well as Algeria, Guernsey, Jersey.

1952: Israel.

1954: Sweden.

1955: Norway and Tunisia.

1957: USSR.

1958: Poland and Turkey.

1959: Bulgaria and Romania.

1960: Czechoslovakia, Finland and Hungary.

1962: Cyprus.

1972: Morocco.

1975: German Democratic Republic and Malta.

1976: Iran joined EPPO (but withdrew in 1980).

1992: Latvia.

1993: Czech Republic and Slovakia.

1994: Albania, Croatia, Estonia, Slovenia and Ukraine.

1997: Jordan.

1998: Lithuania and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

1999: Algeria joined EPPO again.

2000: Kyrgyzstan.

2003: Belarus.

2004: Kazakhstan and Serbia.

2005: Uzbekistan.

2006: Moldova.

2007: Azerbaijan.

2008: Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2015: Georgia.

2018: Montenegro




EPPO Chairmen


Mr H. van Orshoven (1951 - 1956)
Ministère de l'Agriculture,
Bruxelles, Belgium



Mr A.H. Strickland (1977 - 1982)
Plant Pathology Laboratory,

Harpenden, UK



Mr Olivier FELIX (2001 – 2006)
Office Fédéral de l'Agriculture, Certification et Protection des Végétaux, Bern, Switzerland



Ms Karola SCHORN (2016-2021)

Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Bonn, Germany


Mr R. Braconnier (1957 - 1964)
Ministère de l'Agriculture,

Paris, France



Dr H.G. Pag (1983 - 1988)
Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, Bonn, Germany



Mr Ringolds ARNITIS (2007 – 2010)

State Plant Protection Service,
Riga, Latvia



Mr Michael KURZWEIL (2022-2024)
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,  
Environment and Water Management, Wien, Austria


Dr I. Granhall (1965 - 1970)
Statens Växtskyddsanstalt,

Solna, Sweden



Mr J. Thiault (1989 - 1994)
Ministère de l'Agriculture, Direction Générale de l'Alimentation, Paris, France



Mr Martin WARD (2011 – 2013)

Fera, York,
United Kingdom



Mr Lieven VAN HERZELE (since 2025)

Health, Food Chain Safety & Environment - DG APF

Sanitary Policy Plant Health - NPPO, Belgium


Mr N. van Tiel (1971 - 1976)
Plant Protection Service,
Wageningen, Netherlands



Dr R. Petzold (1995 - 2000)
Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, Bonn, Germany 



Mr Ringolds ARNITIS (2014 – 2015)

State Plant Protection Service,
Riga, Latvia




EPPO Vice – Chairmen


Mr R. Protin (1951 - 1956)
Ministère de l'Agriculture,

Paris, France



Dr G.I. Polianov (1977 - 1982)
Plant Protection Service,
ofia, Bulgaria



Mr A.S. Vasyutin (2001 – 2003)
State Quarantine Inspection
ervice, Moscow, Russia



Ms N. Sherokolava (2013-2018)

All-Russian Plant Quarantine Centre,
Bykovo, Russia

Dr H. Drees (1957 - 1964)
Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft
und Forsten, Bonn, Germany



Dr F. Hargitai (1983 - 1988)
Plant Protection and Agrochemical

Department, Budapest, Hungary



Mr V.V. Popovich (2004 – 2006)

Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, Moscow, Russia



Mr A. Chelombitko (2019-2021)

State Service on Food Safety and
Consumer Protection, Kiev, Ukraine

Dr F. Beran (1965 - 1970)
Bundesanstalt für Pflanzenschutz, 

Wien, Austria



Mr M. Husak (1989 - 1994)
Ministry of Agriculture,
Prague, Czech Republic



Mr A. Moumen  (2007)

Direction de la Protection des Végétaux et des Contrôles Techniques, Alger, Algeria



Mr Sultan-Makhmud Sultanov (since 2022)
Agency of Plant Protection and Quarantine, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Dr I. Churayev (1971 - 1976)
Ministry of Agriculture,

Moscow, Russia



Mr I. Fésüs (1995 - 2000)
Ministry of Agriculture,
Budapest, Hungary



Mr C. Sao Simao de Carvalho (2008 – 2012)

Direcçao Geral de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural, Lisboa, Portugal



EPPO Directors General


Dr V. Wilkins (1951 - 1960)



Dr I.M. Smith (1985 – 2005)


Mr N. Horn (2019 – 2024)

Dr I. Granhall (1960 - 1964)



Mr N. van Opstal (2006 – 2010)


Olga Lavrentjeva

Ms O. Tikka (from 2025)


Dr W.F. Darke (1964 - 1967)



Mr R. Arnitis (2011-2013)


Dr G. Mathys (1967 - 1984)



Mr M. Ward (2014-2018)




EPPO Assistant Directors


Dr L.W.D. Caudri (1953 - 1973)



Dr D.G. McNamara (1987 – 2002)


Dr E. Choppin de Janvry (1974-1975)



Ms F. Petter (2003-2023)


Dr I.M. Smith (1977-1984)



Dr Valérie Grimault (2023-2025)


Ms M. Hanrion (1986-1987)




EPPO Gold Medals

Since 1951, the EPPO Gold Medal was awarded to distinguished personalities in recognition of their outstanding merit in international cooperation in Plant Protection.

View the procedure and criteria for proposing and assessing candidates for the EPPO Gold medal   



Dr H. Drees (1973)
Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, Bonn, Germany
Signatory of the EPPO Convention in 1951, 
Vice-Chairman of EPPO (1957 - 1964), 
Council delegate (1951 - 1973).



Dr J. Fjelddalen (1981)
Norwegian Plant Protection Institute,
As, Norway

Council delegate (1956 - 1986).



Dr J.A.J. Veenenbos (1989)
Plant Protection Service, Wageningen, Netherlands
Council delegate (1971 - 1988)



Dr P. van Halteren (2001)
Plant Protection Service,
Wageningen, Netherlands



Mr I. McDonell (2015)

Executive Secretary of the North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO)


Prof. Dr F. Beran (1976)
Bundesanstalt für Pflanzenschutz (Federal Institute for Plant Protection), Wien, Austria
Signatory of the EPPO Convention in 1951,
Vice-Chairman of EPPO (1965 - 1970)
Council delegate (1951 - 1969)



Mr A.H. Strickland (1983)
Plant Pathology Laboratory, Harpenden, UK
Chairman of EPPO (1977 - 1982)
Council delegate (1974 - 1982)



Mr E. Joseph (1993)
Plant Protection Service, Bern, Switzerland
Council delegate (1975 - 1990)



Mr A.W. Pemberton (2003)

Central  Science Laboratory,
York, United Kingdom



Mr S. Ashby (2017)

Fera, York, United Kingdom



Dr N. van Tiel (1976)
Plant Protection Service, Wageningen,

Chairman of EPPO (1971 - 1976), 
Council delegate (1966 - 1982).




Dr G. Mathys (1984)
EPPO Director General (1967 - 1984)





Mr J. Thiault (1995)
Ministère de l'Agriculture, DGAL, Paris, France
Chairman of EPPO (1989 - 1994)
Council delegate (1980 - 1994)


Dr I.M. Smith (2006)

EPPO Assistant Director (1977 – 1984)

EPPO Director General (1985 – 2005)



Mr R. Lopian (2023)

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland



Dr I. Churayev (1976)
Ministry of Agriculture, Moscow, Russia
Vice-Chairman of EPPO (1971 - 1976)
Council delegate (1966 - 1979)





Dr H. Rønde Kristensen (1988)
State Plant Pathology Institute, Lyngby, Denmark
Council delegate (1977 - 1986)




Dr B. Hopper (1998)
Executive Secretary of the North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO)



Mr Vereecke (2007)

EU Commission