EPPO Communication kits
Don't Risk It!
In 2013, EPPO published a poster 'Don't Risk It' together with an accompanying leaflet. The objective of these documents is to raise public awareness about the risks of moving plants and their associated pests during international travel and to encourage responsible behaviour. It is primarily intended that the poster should be displayed in airports or any other sites where international travellers will see it (e.g. seaports, railway stations, travel agencies, embassies). This poster was endorsed officially by the EPPO Executive Committee in April 2013 and circulated to all EPPO member countries in May 2013. National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) are strongly encouraged to contact airport authorities or any other relevant bodies so that the poster can be displayed as widely as possible.
Since 2013, many NPPOs have translated the EPPO poster and leaflet and used them in their national information campaigns. Share their experience!
The EPPO Secretariat would very much appreciate to continue receiving more feed-back from NPPOs about the use of the poster and leaflet.
NPPOs can personalize and translate the poster and leaflet – original file formats (InDesign and Word)
- English: InDesign file and necessary fonts – zipped InDesign file and fonts, leaflet in Word | Download instructions
- French: fichier InDesign et polices – zipped InDesign file and fonts, leaflet in Word | Download instructions in French
- Chinese: InDesign file (poster only) – NEW
- Arabic: InDesign file (poster only) – NEW
Download the poster (A1, A2, A3 format in English, French and Chinese) – PDF files
Chinese version
Chinese translation was kindly provided by the Irish Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine
Arabic version
Arabic translation was kindly provided by the Near East Plant Protection Organization (NEPPO)
Other 'goodies'
Examples of email signatures
With a badge printer (plastic cards, a puncher and appropriate straps), luggage tags and key chains can easily be prepared. The corresponding pdf files can be downloaded here.
The ‘red suitcase’ image and main message of the poster can also be used in email signatures. Examples of email signatures can be downloaded here (PowerPoint file).
The EPPO Secretariat wishes to thank more particularly Dr David Slawson from Fera (GB) and the members of the EPPO Panel on Plant Protection Information
for their valuable help during the preparation of these documents.