EPPO Secretariat



The EPPO Secretariat prepares and runs all meetings, and coordinates the activity which arises from them. It is responsible for all publication and information services (including databases). Since 2014 and 2015, EPPO is hosting Euphresco and the EU Minor Uses Coordination Facility (MUCF), respectively. The EPPO Secretariat is headed by a Director-General.


EPPO Director-General Olga TIKKA


EPPO Secretariat (EPPO headquarters, Paris, January 2025)



Composition of the EPPO Secretariat



Olga TIKKA is responsible to the Council for the overall direction of EPPO. She leads the implementation of the programme of work and the EPPO Secretariat staff.


Scientific Officers (in alphabetical order)

Yassine AOUTIL works on diagnostics, including content development of diagnostic databases.

Baldissera GIOVANI works on diagnostics.

Valerio LUCCHESI is responsible for the programme of work on plant protection products and participates in activities on global phytosanitary issues.

Javier MARTINEZ works on plant protection products and phytosanitary issues.

Madeleine McMULLEN is the managing editor of the EPPO Bulletin and edits all EPPO’s outputs in English.

Dmitrii MUSOLIN works on quarantine pests for forestry and pest risk analysis, and communications with Russian-speaking experts and representatives in the EPPO region.

Camille PICARD works on pest risk analysis (PRA) and phytosanitary measures.

Muriel SUFFERT is responsible for EPPO information services (EPPO Reporting Service, Alert List, website, EPPO Codes and EPPO Global Database). She is responsible for EPPO’s social media.

Rob TANNER is responsible for EPPO’s work on Invasive Alien Plants and biological control agents, and he works with phytosanitary inspections.

Charlotte TRONTIN (working part time while on a 1 year sabbatical).

Samuel WARNER works on information services (EPPO Reporting Service and EPPO Global Database),  the EPPO Platform on PRA and the EPPO Platform on Communication Material.


IT Officers

Nathalie BOUTRON works on the development of EPPO IT systems.

Damien GRIESSINGER is responsible for the maintenance and development of EPPO’s IT systems (internal network and communication systems, databases, and webservices).



Administrative Staff

Véronique GEORGES works on financial record-keeping and human resources. She supports the Director-General in preparing budgets.

Cintia MAUCHIEN supervises the administrative support team and provides support on administrative and financial aspects of specific projects, including MUCF.

Anfisa NIKOLAEVA: administrative officer.

Lisa PEREZ:  administrative officer.



Hosted networks


Baldissera GIOVANI is the coordinator of Euphresco (network of phytosanitary research coordination) which is hosted by EPPO.

Jassmine ZORILLA is the project officer of Euphresco III.



Barbara EDLER is the coordinator of MUCF (Minor Uses Coordination Facility) which is hosted by EPPO.

Antoine MARTIN: Technical expert of MUCF.

Oualid SELLAMI: IT support of MUCF.