EPPO Meetings in 2011 – short reports
Panels and Expert Working Groups
- 19th Meeting of the Panel on PRA Development (Paris, 2011-01-25/28)
- 47th Meeting of the Panel on CPM Affairs and 11th Joint EPPO/NAPPO Meeting (Dresden, DE, 2011-01-31/02-03)
- Meeting on the EPPO prioritization process for invasive alien plants (Paris, 2011-02-08/09)
- 11th Meeting of the Panel on General Standards on Efficacy Evaluation (Braunschweig, DE, 2011-03-03/04)
- 17th Meeting of the Panel on Phytosanitary Measures for Potato (Paris, EPPO headquarters, 2011-03-08/10)
- 10th Meeting of the Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Herbicides and Plant Growth Regulators (Nyon, CH, 2011-03-15/16)
- 16th Meeting of the Panel on Quarantine Pests for Forestry (Madeira, PT, 2011-03-29/31)
- 5th Meeting of the Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments (Paris, FR, 2011-03-30/31)
- 43rd Meeting of the Panel on Phytosanitary Measures (Paris, 2011-04-05/08)
- 16th Meeting of the ad hoc Panel on Invasive Alien Species (Olbia, IT, 2011-05-03/06)
- 1st Meeting of the Panel on Entomology (Paris, 2011-05-04/05)
- 10th Meeting on EPPO Diagnostic Protocols for Regulated Pests (Fungi) held jointly with the 14th Annual Meeting of European Mycological Network (Dublin, 2011-05-09/10)
- 49th Meeting of the Panel on CPM Affairs (Riga, 2011-09-05/08)
- Expert Working Group for express PRA on Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (EPPO headquarters, Paris, 2011-09-05/08)
- 6th Meeting of the Resistance Panel on Plant Protection Products (Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, GB, 2011-09-07/08)
- Expert Working Group for performing a PRA on Keiferia lycopersicella (EPPO headquarters, Paris, 2011-09-19/22)
- 1st Meeting of the ad hoc Expert Working Group on electronic certification (EPPO Headquarters, Paris, 2011-10-04/05)
- 2nd Meeting of the Panel on Diagnostics and Quality Assurance (Vienna, 2011-10-10/12)
- 16th Meeting of the Panel on Diagnostics in Bacteriology (Sofia, 2011-10-24/26)
- 44th Meeting of the Panel on Phytosanitary Measures (Paris, 2011-11-08/09)
- 36th Meeting of the Colorado Beetle Campaign Committee (St Hélier, JE, 2011-11-15/16)
- Meeting of the Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides (Paris, 2011-11-21/24)
- 1st Meeting of the ad hoc Panel on Plant Protection Information (Paris, 2011-11-29/30)
- Expert Working Group for performing a PRA on Apriona germari, A. japonica, and A. cinerea (Paris, 2011-12-06/09)
- EWG for testing the screening process in the framework of the EPPO study on the risk of imports of plants for planting (Paris, 2011-12-13/14)
Working Parties
- 49th Meeting of the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations (Baku, 2011-06-21/24)
- 41st Meeting of the Working Party on Plant Protection Products (Dublin, 2011-06-24/26)
Conferences and Workshops
- EPPO Workshop on Zonal Efficacy Assessments (Berlin, 2011-04-05/06)
- EPPO/FAO Workshop on the FAO ‘Guide to implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry’ for Russian-speaking experts (Tallinn, 2011-05-30/06-03)
- EPPO Council Colloquium 'Plant Health and Plant Protection: links, interactions and future challenges' (Bonn, DE, 2011-09-22)
- EPPO Workshop for heads of laboratories (Vienna, 2011-10-13/14)
- EPPO/IOBC/FAO/NEPPO Joint International Symposium on management of Tuta absoluta (Agadir, Morocco, 2011-11-16/18)
- EPPO / Q-DETECT Workshop for phytosanitary inspectors (Padova, IT, 2011-11-16/18)
- EPPO/IOBC Workshop on the harmonized application procedures for the use of Biological Control Agents (Rotterdam, NL, 2011-11-24/25)