EPPO Meetings in 2007 – short reports
Panels and Expert Working Groups
- 11th Meeting of the Panel on Diagnostics (Olomouc, CZ, 2007-01-16/18)
- 35th Panel Meeting on CPM Affairs and Joint EPPO/NAPPO Meeting (Agadir, MA, 2007-01-22/25)
- 14th Meeting of the Panel on Phytosanitary Measures for Potato (Ljubljana, 2007-02-13/15)
- 5th Meeting of the ad hoc Panel on technical requirements for laboratories (La Marsa, TN, 2007-02-19/21)
- 7th Meeting of the Panel on General Standards (Paris, 2007-03-01/02)
- 39th Meeting of the Panel on Phytosanitary Measures (Paris, 2007-03-06/09)
- 11th Meeting of the Panel on Quarantine Pests for Forestry (Lisbon, PT, 2007-03-20/22)
- 16th Meeting of the Panel on PRA Development (Tallinn, EE, 2007-03-20/23)
- 37th Meeting of the Panel on CPM Affairs (Oslo, NO, 2007-09-04/07)
- 36th Meeting of the Panel on CPM Affairs (Paris, 2007-04-23/25)
- 6th Meeting on EPPO Diagnostic Protocols for Regulated Pests (Fungi) held jointly with the 11th Meeting of EMN (Bonn, DE, 2007-04-24/27)
- 11th Meeting of the Panel on Invasive Alien Species (Zurich, CH, 2007-05-08/10)
- 18th Meeting of the Panel on certification of fruit crops (Prague, 2007-06-04/06)
- 5th Meeting of the Panel on Quarantine Nematodes (Alnarp, SE, 2007-09-11/14)
- 2nd Meeting of the Resistance Panel on Plant Protection Products (Pushkin - Sankt Peterburg, RU, 2007-09-19/21)
- 12th Meeting of the Panel on Invasive Alien Species (Paris, FR, 2007-10-22/25)
- 5th Meeting of the Panel on Phytosanitary Procedures (Zagreb, 2007-10-28/30)
- Meeting of the Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Herbicides and Plant Growth Regulators (York, GB, 2007-11-14/16)
- Meeting of the Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides (York, GB, 2007-11-19/21)
Working Parties
Conferences and Workshops
- IPPC/EPPO Workshop for CIS and Eastern-European countries on the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) system and ISPMs (Bishkek, KG, 2007-04-01/12)
- EPPO Workshop on Pest Reporting (Lyon, FR, 2007-05-14/16)
- EPPO Workshop on insecticide resistance of Meligethes spp. (pollen beetle) on oilseed rape (Berlin, 2007-09-03/05)
- EPPO Workshop for Eastern European and Russian-speaking countries joint to the 14th Conference of Coordinative Plant Quarantine Council (CPQC) of CIS countries (Erevan, AM, 2007-10-08/12)
- EPPO Workshop for Phytosanitary Inspectors (Plovdiv, BG, 2007-11-14/16)
- EPPO Workshop on Quality Assurance (Holte, DK, 2007-12-04/06)