37th Meeting of the Panel on CPM Affairs
Oslo (NO), 2007-09-04/07
The Panel on CPM Affairs met in Oslo on 2007-09-04/07 at the invitation of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. The Panel prepared detailed comments on the following International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) which are currently in country consultation:
- Amendments to ISPM No. 5: Glossary of Phytosanitary terms
- Supplement to ISPM No. 5 / Debarked and bark-free wood
- Establishment of areas of low pest prevalence for fruit flies (Tephritidae)
- Classification of commodities into phytosanitary risk categories
- Developing a strategy to reduce or replace the use of methyl bromide for phytosanitary purposes
- Sampling of consignments
As a result of this meeting, recommendations have been agreed which are presented in the templates (as requested by the IPPC Secretariat) and send to EPPO Members. The Members are invited to take them into account in preparing their individual replies to the IPPC Secretariat.
The Panel noted that on the diagnostic protocol for Thrips palmi, which follows a fast-track procedure, only one editorial change has been submitted by EPPO to the IPPC Secretariat.
The Panel discussed the review of the standard setting process which has been prepared by an IPPC Focus Group. They agreed several recommendations for the European representative who participates in the meeting of the informal working group Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance (SPTA) which will discuss in detail the report of the Focus Group. The Panel discussed some of the recommendations suggested by the team which evaluated the IPPC and its institutional arrangements. The SPTA will discuss this evaluation in detail and the European representative will make use of the input given by the Panel on CPM Affairs.
Courtesy M. Husak