EPPO Meetings in 2006 – short reports
Panels and Expert Working Groups
- 3rd Meeting of the ad hoc Panel on technical requirements for laboratories (Paris, 2006-02-02/03)
- Ad hoc Panel on Resistance Risk Assessment (Basel, CH, 2006-02-02/03)
- 13th Meeting of the ad hoc Panel on European Phytosanitary Measures for Potato (Vienna, 2006-02-21/23)
- 6th joint EPPO/NAPPO meeting (Puerto Vallerta, MX, 2006-02-23/27)
- 6th Meeting of the Panel on General Standards on Efficacy Evaluation (Dublin, 2006-03-01/02)
- 38th Meeting of the Panel on Phytosanitary Measures (Paris, 2006-03-06/08)
- 15th Meeting of the Panel on tools for PRA (Paris, 2006-03-08/10)
- 33rd Meeting of the Panel on CPM Affairs (Brussels, 2006-04-24/26)
- Report of the 6th Meeting on EPPO Diagnostic Protocols for Regulated Pests (Fungi) held jointly with the 10th Annual Meeting of EMN (Wageningen, NL, 2006-04-28)
- Panel on Certification of Pathogen-tested Ornamentals (Paris, EPPO headquarters 2006-05-11)
- 9th Meeting of the Panel on Invasive Alien Species (Kleinmachnow, 2006-05-16/19)
- 4th Meeting of the ad hoc Panel on technical requirements for laboratories (Le Rheu, FR, 2006-07-04/06)
- 34th Meeting of the Panel on CPM Affairs (Sorgenfri, DK, 2006-09-05/08)
- 10th Meeting of the Panel on Invasive Alien Species (Riga, LV , 2006-10-03/05)
- 2nd Meeting of the Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments (Vienna, 2006-10-09/11)
- 4th Meeting of the Panel on Phytosanitary Procedures (Vilnius, LT, 2006-10-20/22)
- 1st Meeting of the Resistance Panel on Plant Protection Products (PSD, York, GB, 2006-11-06/07)
- Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Herbicides and Plant Growth Regulators (Gembloux, BE, 2006-11-20/22)
- Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides (Gembloux, BE, 2006-11-22/24)
- 4th Meeting of the ad hoc Panel on phytosanitary risks of composted organic waste (York, 2006-12-05/06)
Working Parties
- 36th Meeting of the Working Party on Plant Protection Products (Ankara, 2006-05-16/18)
- 44th Meeting of the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations (Palic, Serbia, 2006-06-20/23)
Conferences and Workshops
- EPPO/FAO Workshop - How to manage Invasive Alien Plants? A case study of Solanum elaeagnifolium (Sousse, TN, 2006-05-29/31)
- EPPO Workshop on Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Cuneo, IT, 2006-06-26/28)
- Council Colloquium – Sustaining the diagnostic capacity in the EPPO region (Prague, 2006-09-21)
- EPPO Conference on Computer Aids for Plant Protection (Wageningen, NL, 2006-10-17/19)
- EPPO Workshop on Mutual Recognition of Minor Uses (Berlin, 2006-10-24/26)