6th Meeting on EPPO Diagnostic Protocols for Regulated Pests (Fungi)
held jointly with the 11th Annual Meeting of European Mycological Network
Bonn, DE, 2007-04-24/27
EPPO participated in the 11th meeting of the European Mycological Network (EMN) which took place in Bonn, Germany, on 24-27 April 2007. The meeting was hosted by the Regional Plant protection Service of Nordrhein Westfalen (Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein Westfalen, Pflanzenschutzdienst). There were 30 participants from 17 countries from 21 laboratories.
So far, 17 EPPO Standards on diagnostic protocols for fungi have been published in series PM 7 (Phytosanitary Measures) and two general standards. This year revisions of the protocols on Tilletia indica and Phoma tracheiphila and a new protocol on Verticillium albo-atrum and V. dahliae will be presented to the Working Party for approval. Regarding Gremmeniella abietina the protocol was considered ready to be presented to the working party for approval, but due to new information regarding taxonomic changes the EPPO Secretariat decided to postpone this approval. Progress was made with the following protocols: Diaporthe vaccinii and Plasmopara halstedii. A first draft of a protocol on Alternaria mali was presented. Revision of the diagnostic protocols for Mycosphaerella dearnesii and M. pini and Guignardia citri will be undertaken
Possibilities for developing other protocols were explored and protocols were promised for the following organisms: Anisogramma anomala, Ceratocystis virescens, Gibberella circinata, Melampsora medusae, Ophiostoma wageneri (first draft exists), Phytophthora kernoviae. The meeting also took note of all the important topics discussed at the meetings of other related Panels and the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations and a presentation of the database on diagnostic expertise was made.
The next meeting is planned for the end of April 2008. The exact date and venue is to be decided.