Don’t Risk It!
Posters and luggage tags for 2020 the International Year of Plant Health
The objective of the EPPO communication campaign ‘Don't Risk It' is to raise public awareness about the risks of moving plants and their associated pests during international travel and to encourage responsible behaviour. It is primarily intended that the poster should be displayed in airports or any other sites where international travellers will see it (e.g. seaports, railway stations, travel agencies, embassies). National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) are strongly encouraged to contact airport authorities or any other relevant bodies so that the poster can be displayed as widely as possible. As the International Year of Plant Health provides an excellent opportunity to engage with the general public, the EPPO poster has been rebranded with the IYPH logo and translated in all FAO official languages. NPPOs can personalize the poster by translating it in their national languages and by adding their own logos.
Poster in original format (zipped InDesign file and fonts)
Poster in PDF format (A1, A2, A3 format in English, French, Russian, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic)
French version
Chinese version
Chinese translation was kindly provided by the Irish Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine
Russian version
Arabic version
Arabic translation was kindly provided by the Near East Plant Protection Organization (NEPPO)