Council Colloquium on Biovigilance
Toulouse, FR, 2003-09-18/19
In 2003, the administrative session of Council was followed by a Colloquium on "biovigilance" which was organized in Toulouse (2003-09-18/19), at the kind invitation of the French National Plant Protection Organization.In the French legislation, "Biovigilance" means biological surveillance of the national territory to detect any unexpected effects of pests and plant protection measures (especially use of plant protection products).
Pont-Neuf in Toulouse
In today's context, it extends to new types of effects on the environment and to new objects (invasive species, LMOs). During the colloquium, several presentations were made by the French NPPO on plant protection products and LMOs. A technical visit was organized to LMOs experiments, and participants could also enjoy a city tour in Toulouse and wine tasting in the valley of Gaillac.
Presentation of French activities concerning biovigilance for GMOs
- Presentation of NPPO activities, (administrative and technical framework, preliminary results of biovigilance) by M. Delos
- Collaboration with a technical Institute (AGMP : maize technical institute – Study of gene flow, management of coexisting GMO and non GMO crops by B. Naïbo
Presentation of the French survey of water quality for plant protection products by Ms N. Pons
Presentation of the surveillance of plant protection products in the valley of Gaillac
Basilique Saint-Sernin
Pictures from the website of
' Mairie de Toulouse'