1st Meeting of the ad hoc Panel on harmonization of
data on plant protection products
EPPO Headquarters, Paris, 2004-09-14/15
The ad hoc Panel on harmonization of data on plant protection products first met in Paris on 2004-09-14/15. The Panel discussed how to harmonize registered uses in order to create a common catalogue that will be useful in the framework of mutual recognition. Panel members presented their own national database, and defined the 'use' as a combination of a crop (or group of crops), a pest (or group of pests) and a type of treatment. The new system of classification will be based on the Bayer Code System. The Panel will discuss further how to group pests and crops.
It was noted that exchange of information on registered plant protection products could be facilitated by defining a common set of data to be provided on any registered product. The 'Format for pesticide lists' will be updated for the next meeting. The next Panel meeting will take place in Paris on 2004-04-04/06.
Participants (Courtesy: J. Molnár)