EPPO Workshop for Phytosanitary Inspectors
Surveillance of ornamental plants and inspection at the final place of destination for imported consignments
Kranj, SI, 2005-11-16/18
More than 40 participants from 21 countries participated to the EPPO Workshop for inspectors at Kranj, Slovenia. This Workshop was the opportunity for inspectors to exchange views and share their experience on surveillance of ornamental plants and inspection at the final place of destination for imported consignments. They were welcomed by Ms Katarina GROZNIK (Director of Phytosanitary Administration) and Matjaž KOČAR (Chief Inspector). Presentations were made on EPPO activities and countries' experience related to this topic (all presentations can be viewed below). A round-table session was organised at the end of the Workshop and discussed the problems of inspection fees and relationships with the growers. It also made the following conclusions:
- Within the EU, there is a need to exchange information about movements of plants for planting imported into one country but intended for another one (plant health movement document)
- EPPO summaries of phytosanitary regulations and reports of interceptions are still useful
- EPPO standards on inspection procedures are needed
- Organization of inspections at point of entry, place of final destination, production site, and reduced frequency of inspections could be possible topics for future workshops
During this meeting, participants visited the border inspection point at Obrezje near Croatia and learned how lorries carrying plants and plant products were inspected. They also visited a nearby nursery producing poinsettias and gerberas, which provided the opportunity to explain how phytosanitary inspections were done on these premises. In addition to this technical programme, participants enjoyed testing typical Slovenian wines, folk dances performed by young children of Brdo village, an unforgettable performance of the PPQ (Plant Protection Quartett), an excellent dinner at the Castle of Zdravilišča and a night visit of Ljubljana. Warm thanks are due to Ms CVELBAR and her colleagues for the very fine organization of the Workshop and the most friendly welcome in Slovenia.