EPPO Workshop on sustainable pest control
and fewer active substances
(Lisbon, 2008-05-22)
In connection with their annual meeting, the Working Party on Plant Protection Products dedicated a one-day workshop on the potential impact and consequences for EPPO of the revision of the Directive 91/414/EEC.
Senior experts from 16 EPPO countries explored the potential impact of the revision on the availability of active substances and how this would affect the control possibilities of pests in their countries. Several participants illustrated this with examples and case studies for particular crops important to their country.
Case studies
A detailed study by the Pesticides Safety Directorate (UK) highlighted the potential loss of a large number of active substances which are currently important for pest control in Europe. The Working Party was briefed on the progress of the revision and the major issues under discussion by a Commission representative. They were also informed of the main issues considered in the European Parliament, in particular the concerns for human health.
A study prepared by the Resistance Action Committees emphasized the predicted difficulties in managing the risks of resistance of pests and diseases when few active substances will remain. This was illustrated with the expected difficulty in controlling serious pests in important crops like wheat (Septoria tritici), grape (Plasmopara viticola), potato (potato blight) and olive (olive fly).
In Denmark there is concern that for minor (but valuable) crops few or no solutions to pest problems may remain. Also for Integrated Pest Management effective plant protection products are indispensable.
Switzerland, although not a Member State of the European Union, will be affected and expects difficulties in controlling important pests. It is anticipated that because of lack of sufficient active substances, the production of sunflower, sugar beet and berries may become very difficult to sustain in that country.
United Kingdom presented examples as to how certain productions could become uneconomical (e.g. peas) or very difficult (e.g. carrots), could have an impact on amenity issues and how the implementation of the revision may affect the prices and availability of important staples like cereals.
Germany highlighted the case of rape and how difficult resistance management becomes with few active substances in the case of control of pollen beetle. Also in this country there is much concern for pest control possibilities for minor uses. Therefore it will be necessary to facilitate research to develop solutions.
Potato is a very significant crop in Latvia and a study on the possible availability of active substances has lead to a great deal of concern about the impact of the revision and finding sustainable solutions for major pests in potato.
The Netherlands emphasized their current concern to address pest control problems for minor uses. They underlined the need to assess the economic impact of the proposals.
Framework directive for sustainable use of pesticides
The Working Party was briefed about the objectives and content of the Framework directive for sustainable use of pesticides. Much expertise needs to be mobilized and developed to provide guidance regarding low-pesticide-input farming and Integrated Pest Management.
The decision-making process regarding the revision of Directive 91/414 is coming to a final stage. The Working Party on Plant Protection Products is aware that several aspects, like human health and environmental issues, should be carefully considered. The Working Party considered that it is also very necessary to draw the attention to the need to maintain flexibility in a revised Directive in order to be able to control important pests in a sustainable way, in particular taking into account resistance management. Concern was expressed about the potential impact on sustainable crop production and pest control in amenity land and non-crop situations in future.
The need for Integrated Pest Management was emphasized and also the need to have, within such an approach, sufficient effective plant protection products.
Careful study is required on the impact of the potential outcome of the revision for pest control procedures and involvement of the expertise available in the countries concerned, to find sustainable solutions.
Progress on a new EU Regulation concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and possible consequences for active substance availability
Rob Mason (UK)Update on the progress of the proposal for a regulation for placing plant protection pfoducts on the market - State of affairs and feedback
Wolfgang Reinert (EU)The impact of draft EU legislation on resistance and its management – the view of Industry’s Resistance Action Committees
Andy Leadbeater (ECPA)Agronomic impact in Denmark regarding product availability
Per Kudsk (DK)Pest Control and fewer active substances: the point of view of Switzerland
Fabio Cerutti (CH)Agronomic concerns from the UK about availability of products
David Richardson (UK)Lessons learned in Germany from Pollen Beetle problems and Minor Uses
Udo Heimbach (DE)Impact of the current proposals on potato protection solutions in Latvia
Regina Cudere (LV)Towards sustainable crop protection. Policy support of IPM in the Netherlands
Susanne Sütterlin (NL)Thematic strategy on the sustainable use of pesticides - Objectives and content
Anne-Cécile Cotillon (EU, DG-Environment)