Expert Working Group for performing PRA 
on Bactrocera invadens

Paris, 2009-12-07/10


Bactrocera invadens, a fruit fly originating from Asia, was reported for the first time in Kenya in 2003, and to date it has invaded 32 Sub-Saharan African countries, hence its name 'invadens'. Indeed, this species can fly long distances, and be transported with infested fruits. It primarily attacks mangoes, citrus, guavas and papayas, and also fruits of around 40 tropical plants (bananas, melons, etc.). This species is considered to be one of the most harmful species in Africa. It causes very serious damage, which has been well documented on mango: in West Africa it can cause production losses of up to 70%. The small African mango producers who cannot afford insecticide treatments are faced with huge economic losses. This species is still absent for the EPPO region and was placed on the Alert list in June 2005 and was selected as a priority for PRA in 2009.


The overall conclusion of the Expert Working Group is that the pest presents a risk of establishment in the Mediterranean Basin. Horticulture, fruit and citrus growing areas are particularly at risk, as well as vegetable gardens and amenity trees in private, public areas. The economic impact if introduced in the EPPO region is evaluated as major. 

The conclusions of the EWG will be reviewed by different bodies in the EPPO system in 2009-2010.


The Expert Working Group was composed of:
De Meyer Marc (
Mr) Entomology section, Royal Museum for Central Africa (BE)
Guichard Catherine/ZULMA Denis-Félicité (Mr), COLEACP (FR)
Guitian Castrillon Jose Maria (Mr) TRAGSATEC (ES)
MacLeod Alan (Mr) Food and Environment Research Agency (GB)
Plumelle Frédéric (Mr) FP Consulting (FR)
Quilici Serge (Mr) CIRAD Réunion, Pôle de Protection des Plantes (FR)
Ustun Nursen (Ms) Plant Protection Research Institute (TR)
Vayssieres Jean-François (Mr) IITA-CIRAD / Biological Control Center for Africa (BJ)
EPPO Secretariat: Ms BRUNEL Sarah