82nd Meeting of the Panel on Global Phytosanitary Affairs
Paris, 2022-09-08/09
The EPPO Panel on Global Phytosanitary Affairs met on 2022-09-08/09 in Paris. The Panel meeting was held in the same week as the IPPC/FAO Regional Workshop for Europe and Central Asia (2022-09-05/07). This year, the Workshop took place in two locations, Baku (Azerbaijan) and Paris (EPPO Headquarters), with the two audiences connected by video.
The Panel members discussed the following draft ISPMs which were under IPPC country consultation. Once finalized, the EPPO comments were shared with EPPO countries and the IPPC Secretariat through the IPPC Online Commenting System (OCS) and the EPPO countries were invited to endorse the comments:
Draft ISPMs for first consultation:
- 2022 Amendments of ISPM 5 Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms
- Annex to ISPM 37 on criteria for determining host status of fruit to fruit flies based on available information
Draft ISPMs for second Consultation:
- 2021 Amendments of ISPM 5 Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms,
- Revision of ISPM 4 Requirements for the establishment of pest free areas,
- Revision of ISPM 18 Requirements for the use of irradiation as a phytosanitary measure,
- Annex to ISPM 20 on the use of specific import authorizations,
- Annex to ISPM 28 on irradiation treatment for Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi
Fruit fly damage on imported mangoes.
Courtesy: Blandine Delbourse, Roissy airport (FR)
The representatives for Europe in IPPC groups updated the Panel about the outcomes of recent discussions. This included the latest developments in the discussions of several CPM Focus Groups i.e. on the Sustainable funding for the IPPC ePhyto Solutions, the implementation of the IPPC Strategic Framework Development Agenda Items, Climate Change and Phytosanitary Issues, Communication, Strengthening Pest Outbreak Alert and Response Systems and Sea Containers.
The Panel reviewed the EPPO nominations for CPM bodies for the European region and updated the EPPO stewards on the list of topics for ISPMs.
The next meeting of the EPPO Panel on Global Phytosanitary Affairs will take place in Paris, at the EPPO Headquarters, on 2023-01-24/26. This will be in conjunction with an EPPO - NAPPO strategic meeting which is planned to be held back to back to the Panel meeting.