85th Meeting of the Panel on Global Phytosanitary Affairs
Podgorica, 2023-09-06/08
The EPPO Panel on Global Phytosanitary Affairs met on 2023-09-06/08 in Podgorica, Montenegro. This meeting was hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Government of Montenegro. Thanks are due to them for their warm hospitability and excellent organization of this meeting. The Panel meeting was held in the same week as the 2023 IPPC/FAO Regional Workshop for Europe and Central Asia (2023-09-04/06) .
The Panel members discussed several draft IPPC documents which were under consultation . These comprise seven draft ISPMs and one CPM Recommendation. Once finalized, the EPPO common positions on the comments were shared with the EPPO countries and the IPPC Secretariat through the Online Commenting System (OCS). The EPPO countries were invited to endorse the comments:
Draft ISPMs for First Consultation:
- Reorganization and revision of Pest Risk Analysis Standards
- Annex to ISPM 46 Commodity specific standards for phytosanitary measures: International Movement of Mango (Mangifera indica) fruit
- Annex to ISPM 39 International movement of wood: Use of systems approaches in managing the pest risks associated with the movement of wood
- Annex to ISPM 28 Phytosanitary treatments for regulated pests: Vapour heat treatment for Planococcus lilacinus
Draft ISPMs for Second Consultation:
- 2022 Amendments of ISPM 5 Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms
- Annex to ISPM 37 Determination of host status of fruit to fruit flies (Tephritidae): Criteria for determining host status of fruit to fruit flies based on available information
- Annex to ISPM 28: Cold treatment for Thaumatotibia leucotreta on Citrus sinensis
Draft CPM Recommendation (first consultation)
- Minimizing pest risk associated with sea container pathway (revision of CPM Recommendation R-06)
During the meeting, the Panel members were also updated by the representatives for Europe in IPPC groups on the outcomes of recent discussions. This included the feedback from the European experts present in the IPPC International Workshop on Pest Risk Mitigation of Sea Containers and the Facilitation of International Trade . The Panel reviewed the EPPO nominations in CPM bodies for the European region and reviewed the EPPO stewards in the list of topics for ISPMs. Some of the Panel members and EPPO Secretariat staff members joined the IPPC Regional Workshop and reported to the Panel about key items discussed and the outcomes.
The next meeting of the EPPO Panel on Global Phytosanitary Affairs will take place in Paris, at the EPPO Headquarters, on 2024-01-16/17 followed by a meeting with NAPPO in Washington on 2024-01-23/25.